Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2023

Reuige Kathedrale

Die lange Liste der Grausamkeiten der Kirche und der in ihren Namen begangenen Verbrechen wird konfessionsübergreifend weiter vermehret werden. Der HERR segne und behüte sie.

Freitag, 22. Dezember 2023

Black Box

Hazard or fate?

Or the pure incompetence of humans to reconcile reason with unconditional love for all living things?

Everyday social Darwinism may suite the natural wiring of the 'I' being the absolute centre of 'my world', but proves little evolution since the appearance of cyanobacteria 2.1 billion years ago.

Samstag, 2. Dezember 2023

Info Pie

Delicious representation of confrontational lines, crashed, stirred and backed into solid junk food for the consumption-happy masses. All tastes included.

The populace in the free world firmly believes in the virtues of electoral oligarchies as democracies as much as the buy the ideology of competition to be the fundamental ordering principal of  society and nature. Each new generation is a generation of blank brutes facing the challenge to learn the virtues of joint responsibility and to fail in practice.