Dienstag, 26. April 2022

Horrified Anthroposophist

Dem regsamen tätigem Auge erscheint in den Glanzfarben des Geistes und des Lichts die schönste Theorie sich zu verwandeln in grausamste Praxis.

Dienstag, 19. April 2022


Backfire of a NATOcumEU-made blueprint for lasting peace or the patathesis of power?

Graphic elements taken from an illustration by political analyst Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann showing Ukraine on the front line of the global battle for a future world order: mono-, bi- or polypolar? 

Sonntag, 17. April 2022


The fictional truth of television or any other electronic or else media does not reside in their relentless production of clichés, but in our habitual ability to ignore the fundamental differences between (i) some possible reality out there and (ii) the transforming act of media production and (iii) the physical properties of media signals we see and/or hear and (iv) the complex processes of perceiving and 'reading' images in an observant mind.